Silver Creek Sex Scandal Part 4


After a short investigation, the female teacher that was under investigation for sexual misconduct has officially resigned. “There are two sides to every story,” she posted on Facebook after the resigning. Students, current and former, were brought into the administrative office and sat before a lawyer. They were ordered to tell their side of the story, on the record, in front of lawyers, the principle, superintendent and others. Their parents were made aware. Their friends and members of the community knew. The kids were treated like criminals. In the end their stories led to the resigning of the teacher but the question of who will suffer in the long run remains.



A Silver Creek Central School teacher is currently under administrative investigation. According to sources within the school, the teacher, a female high school English teacher, is alleged to have had multiple sexual relationships with former students over the past few years. At this point there is no proof of the allegations. Stay tuned.

Setting the record straight on the Bentges purchase

The feud between concerned citizens and the Village of Silver Creek continues. The purchase of the Bentges property for village use to house their DPW equipment has been a hot-button topic for months now. This article written by a Silver Creek resident is the latest outcry. The article sheds new light on the issue and bring up many good points concerning the questionable purchase of the property at twice its estimated value.

Teacher threatens students amid investigation

There is new information in the ongoing saga of the Silver Creek Central School sex scandal. The teacher, now resigned, made threatening phone calls to the students involved during the investigation. According to more than one student who was involved, the teacher and her husband made threats. The husband threatened them to stay away from his wife and the teacher threatened them regarding the allegations. These threats were saved on the voicemail and text messages of the students. One student said the teacher would call him multiple times a day to make threats and later call again to apologize and attempt to set up a meeting for sex. This is just the latest details surrounding this ongoing situation.

The Dunkirk Observer vs. The Village of Silver Creek

In a battle fit for the Special Olympics, the Village of Silver Creek’s board and The Dunkirk Observer have been entrenched in a war of words concerning the Village’s ineptitude and The Observer’s coverage of such.

This began with some critical coverage of the village’s board meetings and continued when the village announced the purchase of a new DPW building at 2x the building’s value. The issue of the DPW building has been criticized by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and most recently in another article by The Observer.

Now, after frivolously throwing away money within the district, the school board is crying broke citing tax issues. Add to that the announcement that the school will also be cutting 9 teaching positions.

Mayor Kurt Lindstrom has been critical of everyone throughout this fiasco but himself. So far he has thrown the police chief, The Observer and his fellow board members under the bus. Who is next? That is yet to be seen but chances are he won’t be taking any blame himself.

Former Silver Creek teacher heads pro-pedophilia website/community

Todd Perkins, former Silver Creek teacher and Boy Scout leader has long been a leader in the pro-pedophilia community. Pretty much since he left the WNY area this has been known to locals. I managed to find this website that has done extensive research into the man. Be warned, some of the material is extremely graphic in nature and could be disturbing to many.

What the hell is wrong with Silver Creek?

There has been a lot going on behind the scenes in Silver Creek in the past few months. None of it is positive. Well there is one positive: the lawn Nazi at the top of Burgess St. has officially been voted out of her office as village trustee (See Anna Frederickson). I’m sure this is causing much heartache to Police Chief Tim Roach who spends much of his time at her house whether on his shift or not. This three part series will focus on shedding light on some of the blunders within the village and school system. So far I have covered the school’s sex scandal and the bus driver sexting a 14 year old former passenger (To my knowledge no print publication has covered the teacher scandal). But wait, there is more.

In the early 2000’s Silver Creek Central High had another issue with a teacher. To be fair, much of the information which follows was made public by the teacher well after he had left Silver Creek for the West Coast. Todd Perkins was a middle school technology teacher and Boy Scout leader in Silver Creek. He was also a child molester, pedophile and a strong advocate for “boy love.” Here is a link to his full bio done by

Maybe this knowledge could have helped in the hiring/screening process for the future. Or not. 2 recent incidents within the school have proven that they have learned nothing from the Todd Perkins story.

Add the school issues to the village issues and many are left wondering what the hell is going on around here?